Archiv Uganda
Community Library Uganda
Wir übernehmen die Kosten für eine Grundausstattung an Büchern in der von uns finanzierten Bücherei/Jugendbildungseinrichtung (2.500 Euro).
Renovierung eines Kinderheims in Uganda
Wir unterstützen das Anliegen der Community Initiative for Children at Risk (CICR), ein altes Haus so zu renovieren, dass das Straßenkinderprojekt starten kann (16.000 Euro).
Siehe Bilder „Vorher-Nachher“
Auszug aus dem Dankesschreiben:
Mr. Siebenburger,
We value the relationship and the funding that You provided was a great push. The funding created a very huge impact on the vision and mission of CICR, the children were given a better place they call home and they live happily in the homes. As CICR we are eager to create more impact on the lives of vulnerable children or children at risk and our door is always open to provide you with any kind of information within CICR.
I hope we can work more together as we are moving towards greater projects to see that we create better environments for the children living in undesirable conditions for example: We purchased a new piece of land and it is secured for the expansion of the Boys‘ home.
Upon request, i will be providing more information on everything that goes on within CICR including the quarterly reports.
Kabanda Steven.
Trinkwasserversorgung einer Schule und Gemeinde.